Islington Mind Celebrates Black History Month 2020

October is Black History Month, when we celebrate the UK’s
African and Caribbean communities

Find out more about this year’s themes on the Black History Month website 

We know that BAME people were more strongly impacted by the Covid-19 crisis and that the pandemic has greatly exacerbated pre-existing inequalities across these particular communities; reaching underrepresented minority groups – and being inclusive to all – continues to be on top of Islington Mind’s agenda as we continue to provide support through our many specialist projects throughout this challenging year.

More than ever it is important for us to share and learn stories about black experiences to influence immediate and long-term changes into the future.

Please join us in marking Black History Month with Islington Mind’s programme of related events.

Watch this space for our BHM listings for this month.

We will also be hosting BHM events through our LGBTQ+ service, Outcome.

We are proud to showcase a collection of words, art, and performances from our service users in our Black History Month 2020 Gallery.

Islington Council has a programme of free in-person and online events celebrating the history and culture of black communities in Islington. Please follow this link to book a place.


Take a look at the links below for further related information and resources .

UK-based organisations

Black Learning Achievement and Mental health (BLAM) charity
Black Minds Matter UK
MAMA Youth Project


Black Mental Health Alliance
Black Lives Matter Resources (ACPA)
An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter
Dr Kimberle Crenshaw’s intersectionality TedTalk
Black Trans Lives Matter
Support Black Lives Matter: Donations, petitions, resources and more
Black History Timeline of individuals and events that define Black history