The Service

This service is staffed by therapists from varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Therapists have trained at various institutes with a range of theoretical backgrounds including Gestalt Therapy, Integrative Arts Psychotherapy and Contemporary Psychoanalysis.

Appointments are available morning, afternoon and evening on weekdays.

Please note that Therapy in Mind does not provide low-cost counselling. It is a service to help Islington residents connect with the right therapist at normal market rates. 

How it can Help

Many people experience difficulties in all sorts of areas in their lives. These might include personal relationships, situations at work, or problems at home. If these difficulties are getting on top of you or making you unhappy, you may be interested in counselling or psychotherapy.

This service offers psychological support for a variety of problems including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Traumatic life experiences (past or present)
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Bereavement
  • Concerns about sexuality and identity
  • Emotional concerns linked to disability or living with a long-term medical condition
  • Mental health issues
  • Reconnecting with creative aspects of self
  • Career and life changes

Counselling and psychotherapy are individually focused and therapists are trained to enable you to explore feelings and fears, as well as your hopes and values. Your therapist will listen very carefully to what you are saying, and help you to explore possible changes that you may want to make in your life. You may want to focus on a particular problem or you may want to explore patterns of behaviour along with past and present ways of relating as a means of gaining insight into your emotional difficulties.

Your therapist will help you to look at different options and possibilities. You will always retain your rights and the responsibility to make your own choices.

Your Sessions

Your sessions will be at the same place, time and day each week – this time will be set aside for you and we will not use the time for any other purpose. Each session lasts 50 minutes.

Therapists are able to offer contracts of varied lengths depending on your needs. Short term work normally comprises between 6-12 consecutive sessions and is likely to focus on a specific problem. In many cases people come to psychotherapy with underlying emotional concerns and patterns of behaviour that they want to address. In this case a longer period of counselling or psychotherapy should be considered. This can be discussed at the initial appointment and the therapist will offer a recommendation.

Therapy is an agreement that both therapist and client enter into. The therapist agrees to present at an agreed time set aside for the client and to support the client in exploring their emotional concerns. This is a reciprocal agreement and in which the client agrees to attend sessions and to pay for missed and cancelled sessions. Naturally there are exceptions and these can be considered between therapist and client.


Fees will be at the rates set by the therapist.

How to access Therapy in Mind

If you would like to arrange an initial assessment please call
020 3301 9850
and ask for Therapy in Mind.

What to expect next
When you first contact Therapy in Mind your details will be taken and a therapist will call you back. This first contact will be a chance for the therapist to gather basic information from you (e.g. what time of day you are available for appointments). The therapist will also explain more about the service and what to expect.

At present we do not have a waiting list so the next step would be to arrange a first appointment with a therapist, which is a chance to discuss your reasons for accessing therapy and what you would like to focus on in your sessions. 

There will also be a discussion about what length of therapy is recommended.

Please feel free to phone us on 020 3301 9850 to arrange an appointment or if you have any questions.