We offer one-to-one emotional and practical support and an open access community space with

  • creative activities (art/crafts, Movie/Karaoke/ Bingo/Quiz Nights, relaxation)
  • free drinks and snacks, games (table tennis, pool table)
  • peer support and discussions
  • celebration events
  • shower and laundry rooms
  • fortnightly (on Sundays) communal meal
  • a quiet sensory room and much more.

Staff can support you to develop a crisis/safety plan, discuss symptoms and coping mechanisms, provide information and signpost and refer you to our additional services as well as to external community specialist services and treatments.

We are open 5:30pm to 9:30 weekdays, 2:30pm to 5:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays and you can just drop in, or you can book an appointment by calling us during opening hours on 020 7263 3397.

You can also phone during office hours (9:30am to 5:00pm) on 020 7062 9890 or email us at crisiscafe@islingtonmind.org.uk or complete the online referral form.

We are looking forward to welcoming you.

The NHS crisis resolution service is provided by Camden and Islington Foundation Trust.

The telephone number is 0800 917 3333.