Our Vision

Our vision is for everyone in Islington to get the respect and support they need to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Our Purpose

We are Islington Mind.

  • We help people connect to themselves, to each other and to their support networks and communities
  • We empower people by providing mental health support focused on strengths and assets, not on diagnoses
  • We promote community cohesion

Our Values

  • Respect – we listen with care, respect and provide reassurance to everyone we encounter
  • Equality – we are committed to easy and equal access to mental health services and support for everyone in Islington
  • Strength orientated – we help people find their voice, connect to their strengths and use their skills and assets
  • Co-Production – we strive to develop and deliver services with the people we support
  • Challenging Stigma And Discrimination – we seek to influence and improve mental health services in Islington, raising awareness surrounding mental health
  • Community Cohesion – we actively seek opportunities for collaboration when developing services