The key aims of the Reablement Service are:

  • developing or re-establishing the practical skills to help individuals maintain their independence in their home or return home from hospital
  • increasing an individual’s independence and gaining connections to the local area and support networks
  • reducing the risk of relapse and need for ongoing support

We can support you on issues such as:

  • Housing issues
  • Benefits claims and appointments, finance and budgeting
  • Accessing community services to reduce social isolation
  • Cooking and meal preparation
  • Accessing leisure activities and libraries
  • Accessing physical health appointments, health checks and support services.
  • Occupational Therapy assessments
  • Confidence-building
  • Accessing educational, training, employment or volunteering opportunities

The Reablement Service can only accept referrals via statutory mental health organisations.

Telephone: 020 3301 9850