Our Structured Intervention Psycho-Social Support offer includes a variety of one-to-one interventions addressing psychosocial needs.

Depending on your needs and how they can best be met, you will be offered one of the following:

Regular (weekly to monthly) individual support, including realistic goal-oriented and recovery-focused care plans.

  • The Psychosocial Support (PSS) sessions will help you to explore solutions to practical and emotional issues, develop resilience, independence, and improve access to community resources.
  • During these sessions you will be offered to co-develop a Recovery and/or Crisis Plan.
  • PSS support is offered for up to 12 months, reviewed every 3 months.
  • Access to PSS is by referral only from mental health hospital wards, crisis houses, crisis teams and other mental health teams in the borough of Islington.

A program of counselling sessions consisting of between 10 and 20 weekly sessions – see further information and referral process

Psychosis Therapy support from our PTP service – see further information and referral process