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This page outlines Camden and Islington Council’s plans, strategies and ongoing work for improving mental health, reducing suicide rates and supporting people affected by suicide. 

Camden and Islington Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022

The Camden and Islington Suicide Prevention Strategy outlines existing research and work into suicide prevention within Camden and Islington, identifying four key priorities:

  • Build a partnership for suicide prevention
  • Enable a skilled workforce, confident to address suicide risk
  • Increase support to key high-risk groups, including those who self-harm, people bereaved by suicide, middle aged men and people in suicidal crisis
  • Improve data collection, monitoring, and insight

The full strategy can be found here: Camden and Islington Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan

Suicide Prevention Partnership Meetings

Camden and Islington runs regular Suicide Prevention partnership meetings, attended by staff and volunteers from various sectors. The aim of these meetings is to share resources, new information and set goals for collaborating to reduce suicide in Camden and Islington.  

Attached below are slides and information packs from the most recent Partnership Meeting:

C&I Suicide Prevention Partnership Data Update September 2022

C&I Suicide Prevention Partnership Resources September 2022

James’ Place Suicide Prevention Partnership Group September 2022

Core Community Mental Health Teams

Training Offer

Free Public Health Training

A range of free training courses to help people develop public health skills, for both Islington and Camden Residents/Staff:

Suicide Prevention and Awareness Training

Under the Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action plan, one of the key priorities is to develop a skilled workforce, confident in addressing suicide risk. As part of this, Camden and Islington is working with Voluntary and Community sector providers to support the delivery of several training courses to improve staff knowledge, skills and confidence in addressing suicide and suicide prevention. The three main trainings are outlined below:

  • Suicide Lets Talk – Several short suicide awareness courses by Zero Suicide Alliance, suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about suicide and suicide prevention
  • Suicide Prevention and Awareness Training (Upcoming): Aimed at staff and volunteers working in the wider determinants of suicide risk, such as debt, housing and social isolation. A half day course that supports staff to provide basic support and signposting to those who may be at risk of suicide. Watch our training pages or contact training@rethink.org to arrange a course.
  • Managing Suicidal Conversations – Aimed at staff working directly with people who may be at high risk of suicide, this full day training course supports staff in the managing of suicidal conversations.